Ryan Gulden

Elmhurst, IL · rgulden@live.com

I am a hard working Illinois State University computer science graduate who has had multiple internships and work opportunities in the information technology field. Throughout these past experiences I have gained a real interest in infrastructure, specifically cloud infrastructure. I have discovered a passion for building scalable and reliable platforms for application developers and data scientist to leverage.

I possess the ability to analyze complex situations and figure out a solution through critical thinking and group collaboration. I believe learning doesn’t stop after class or work, everyday I aim to teach myself something new or refine my current skill set.

When I am not at work, I enjoy watching & playing sports, analyzing stocks and learning new technologies by deploying them in my home network environment.

Entrepreneurial pursuits

Sole owner & founder - A PaaS & technology consulting company
Co-founder & co-owner - A algorithmic trading hedge fund
Sole owner & founder - A property holdings company
Arumum Property Holdings


Data Engineer

Discover Financial Services

Developing cost optimizing technologies on AWS using kubernetes to help data scientist develop and test machine learning models.

June 2019 - Present


Illinois State University

Bachelor of Science
Computer Science

Cum Laude (3.65/4.0)

August 2015 - May 2019

Awards & Certifications

  • Certified Kubernetes Administrator, June 2020, CNCF
  • Security+, September 2018, CompTIA
  • Dean's List, May 2017, Illinois State
  • State Farm Java Programming Scholarship, June 2016, StateFarm
  • Distinguished Freshman of the year award, April 2016, Illinois state